Thursday, September 22, 2011

Library Board Minutes for July

JULY 20, 2011
6:30 PM

President Rose Mosley called meeting to order at 6:36PM

Roll Call
Present: R. Mosley, T. Butler, T.C. Brunious G. Hanson, E. Wimbush, K. Johnson (6:40pm) S. Vina (7:00pm) and S. Huntington.

Adoption the Agenda
G. Hanson moved and T. Butler seconded to adopt the agenda. Motion carried.

Introduction of Visitors
Cuauhtémoc Estrada
Benjamin Delgado
This group asked permission to use the north lot of the Carnegie building for the Azteca Festival which will take place August 26, 27, & 28, 2011. They are requesting to use the lot for concessions, small kiddy rides and parking.
The Board instructed S. Huntington to draw up an agreement with the following conditions: No use of the 5th Ave entrance, library’s name on insurance policy, no use of south parking lot during library hours, no equipment on north lot prior to 1 p.m. ,Thursday, August 25, 2011, and any additional concerns that are relevant to the Library. 5 voted aye. 1 nay. 1 absent (S. Vina) Motion carried.

G. Hanson asked that Mr. Estrada and Mr. Delgado provide financial reports on Festival Azteca to the Library Board. R. Mosley stated that while they are welcome to provide such reports to Mr. Hanson it was not necessary to provide them to other Library Board members.

T. Butler moved and K. Johnson seconded to approve the minutes of the June 22, 2011 Board meeting. All ayes. 1absent. (S. Vina) Motion carried.

Communications and Announcements
S. Huntington read two bills that Governor Quinn signed concerning Libraries.
Next Board Meeting will be September 7, 2011.

Treasurer’s Report
T. Butler read the Treasurer’s Report for June 2011. K. Johnson moved and TC Brunious seconded to approve the June 2011 Treasurer’s Report subject to audit. Board Polled. 6 ayes. 0 nays. 1 absent . (S. Vina) Motion carried.

Trustee Hanson announced at 7:30pm that he resigns as Trustee from the Maywood Public Library Board and left the meeting. Mr. Hanson further stated that the Maywood Public Library Board will have his written resignation in the morning.

Accounts Payable
K. Johnson moved and TC Brunious seconded to pay the bills. Board Polled. 6 ayes. 0 nays. 1 absent. (G. Hanson) Motion carried.

Librarian’s Report
Library received DECCA grant for $33,796.00.
S. Vina moved and T. Butler seconded to accept the Librarian’s report with thanks and to continue the good work. All ayes. 1 absent. (G. Hanson) Motion carried.

Committee Reports

New Business
Tentative Ordinance Providing For Budget and Appropriations (2011-2012 Fiscal Year. E. Wimbush moved and K. Johnson seconded that the Tentative Ordinance Providing For Budget and Appropriations 2011-2012 Fiscal Year be approved. Board polled. 6 ayes 0 nays 1 absent (G. Hanson) Motion carried
.02% Building and Maintenance Tax Ordinance. K. Johnson moved and T. Butler seconded that the .02% Building and Maintenance Tax be approved. Board polled. 6 ayes 0 nays 1 absent (G. Hanson) Motion carried.
Review of Governance and Administration Standards (Chapter 2 Standards for Illinois Public Libraries. E. Wimbush moved and T. Butler seconded that Chapter 2 Standards for Illinois Public Libraries has been reviewed. Board polled. 6 ayes 0 nays 1 absent (G. Hanson) Motion carried.

Comments from the Board
S. Huntington suggested that the Library not have a fundraiser this year but rather plan for a mortgage burning/ holiday celebration to be scheduled on Saturday, December 1, 2012. S. Huntington suggested forming a committee composed of staff and Board members.

E. Wimbush moved and S. Vina seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm

Respectfully submitted,

Thelma Brunious, acting secretary